Our largest campaign is the Feeding Program which we run annually in Ramadan and in time for Eid ul Adha. As communities worldwide anticipate the joy and blessings of Ramadan and Eid, it is the less fortunate that face further hardships.
IMPACT IN NUMBERS- 2023: Feeding
- Over 10 million meals provided during Ramadan.
- Grain Packs (Dry Ration) helped cook 9,970,326 meals.
- Fitra Reached 37,875 individuals.
- Eid clothes given to 2,717 people.
- 1.8M cooked meals given.
- Reached 336,828 people during Eid ul Ad’ha.
- Grains were distributed to 3,301 widows, poor and destitute.
Send your Fitra today to ensure it’s delivered in time before Eid.
Fitra per person
Share for a large animal
Family Food Package

70% of India’s population live in rural areas and have limited or no access at all to hospitals and clinics.
Our Healthcare Solutions
- Indo-US Hospital: Built to provide affordable and quality healthcare for the poor.
- India Health Initiative: Medical professionals volunteer their time for the sick in rural India.
- Support Healthcare: Support a healthcare programs to or volunteer your time to treat the sick.
Provided healthcare services to 104,207 individuals, including free dialysis sessions and eye surgeries.
In 2023:
- Opened the 2nd Indo-US Hospital in Tolichowki.
- 12th Annual India Health Initiative served 8,263 people over 2 weeks.
- >9,600 free dialysis sessions
- 745 eye surgeries- 383 done free of cost
- 40,000 patients treated across India at local clinics
Doctor’s visit
Cataract surgery w/ lens implant
Medical camp

- Muslims have highest portion of youth (3-35yrs) never enrolled in formal educational program
- 17% of Muslim men in this age group have never been enrolled for education
- Literacy rate for Muslim women is lower than another religious group (Dalits, tribal communities)
We believe children should have an opportunity to learn and excel beyond elementary levels. We provide scholarships and support for students from elementary to university level. In effort to continue this momentum, we built two centers: Jahangirabad Institute of Technology and Challenger International School.
We benefited 19,573 students through various educational initiatives.
In 2023, we supported:
- Over 22 educational institutions
- 1000s of children received books & uniforms
- 1000s of students received scholarships and tuition assistance
- Launched a new Innovation and Entrepreneur Center
- 12 Skill Development Centers benefitting over 650 students
- Began infrastructure of College of Pharmacy at JIT Campus
Scholarship for a university student
Run village school
Run skill development center

IMRC started 40 years ago helping 50 orphans in India. Today, thousands are helped each year.
Your help will enable an orphan to have access to quality education, food, shelter and clothing. Your support will impact them for life
In 2023, we supported 2,310 orphans with essentials like food, clothing, shelter, and education.
Per month

Alms are only for the poor and the needy, and the officials (appointed) over them, and those whose hearts are made to incline (to truth) and the (ransoming of) captives and those in debts and in the way of Allah and the wayfarer; an ordinance from Allah; and Allah is knowing, Wise. {Quran 9:60}
Zakat al-Mal due for an individual is calculated by taking 2.5% of his/her total wealth.
Zakat al-Fitr is paid by the head of the household for each member of the family, before Eid al-Fitr prayer. The price for Zakat al-Fitr is $12 per person.

The IMRC Endowment is a form of Sadaqah Jariyah. An Endowment can be a one time donation of stocks, property, portion of your retirement pension, 401k or a portion of the assets in your will. The impact of your investment multiplies as your wealth is reinvested yearly and the income supports the poor and needy. Creating a Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) is also an option for higher net worth individuals for maximum tax benefits to you, your family and the community.
About Us
We are a non-profit organization that supports good causes and positive change in India’s Muslims & minorities.